Bound to Rise(原文阅读)

     著书立意乃赠花于人之举,然万卷书亦由人力而为,非尽善尽美处还盼见谅 !

                     —— 华辀远岑

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Chapter 8" Harry's Decision

Squire Green rubbed his hands as if he had been proposing a plan with special reference to the interest of the Waltons. Really he conceived that it would save him a considerable sum of money. He had in his employ a young man of eighteen, named Abner Kimball, to whom he was compelled to pay ten dollars a month. Harry, he reckoned, could be made to do about as much, though on account of his youth he had offered him but two dollars, and that not to be paid in cash.

Mr. Walton paused before replying to his proposal.

You're a little too late, he said, at last, to Harry's great relief.

Too late! repeated the squire, hastily. "Why, you hain't hired out your boy to anybody else, have you?"

No; but he has asked me to let him leave home, and I've agreed to it.

Leave home? Where's he goin'?

He has not fully decided. He wants to go out and seek his fortune.

He'll fetch up at the poorhouse, growled the squire.

If he does not succeed, he will come home again.

It's a foolish plan, neighbor Walton. Take my word for't. You'd better keep him here, and let him work for me.

If he stayed at home, I should find work for him on my farm.

Mr. Walton would not have been willing to have Harry work for the squire, knowing well his meanness, and how poorly he paid his hired men.

I wanted to help you pay for that cow, said the squire, crossly. "If you can't pay for't when the time comes you mustn't blame me."

I shall blame no one. I can't foresee the future; but I hope to get together the money somehow.

You mustn't ask for more time. Six months is a long time to give.

I believe I haven't said anything about more time yet, Squire Green, said Hiram Walton, stiffly. "I don't see that you need warn me."

I thought we might as well have an understandin' about it, said the squire. "So you won't hire out the boy?"

No, I cannot, under the circumstances. If I did I should consider his services worth more than two dollars a month.

I might give him two'n a half, said the squire, fancying it was merely a question of money.

How much do you pay Abner Kimball?

Wal, rather more than that, answered the squire, slowly.

You pay him ten dollars a month, don't you?

Wal, somewheres about that; but it's more'n he earns.

If he is worth ten dollars, Harry would be worth four or six.

I'll give three, said the squire, who reflected that even at that rate he would be saving considerable.

I will leave it to Harry himself, said his father.

Harry, you hear Squire Green's offer. What do you say? Will you go to work for him at three dollars a month?

I'd rather go away, as you told me I might, father.

You hear the boy's decision, squire.

Wal, wal, said the squire, a good deal disappointed--for, to tell the truth, he had told Abner he should not want him, having felt confident of obtaining Harry. "I hope you won't neither of ye regret it."

His tone clearly indicated that he really hoped and expected they would. "I bid ye good night."

I'll hev the cow back ag'in, said the squire to himself. "He needn't hope no massy. If he don't hev the money ready for me when the time is up, he shan't keep her."

The next morning he was under the unpleasant necessity of reengaging Abner.

Come to think on't, Abner, he said, "I guess I'd like to hev you stay longer. There's more work than I reckoned, and I guess I'll hev to have somebody."

This was at the breakfast table. Abner looked around him, and after making sure that there was nothing eatable left, put down his knife and fork with the air of one who could have eaten more, and answered, deliberately: "Ef I stay I'll hev to hev more wages."

More wages? repeated Squire Green, in dismay. "More'n ten dollars?"

Yes, a fellow of my age orter hey more'n that.

Ten dollars is a good deal of money.

I can't lay up a cent off'n it.

Then you're extravagant.

No I ain't. I ain't no chance to be. My cousin, Paul Bickford, is gettin' fifteen dollars, and he ain't no better worker'n I am.

Fifteen dollars! ejaculated, the squire, as if he were naming some extraordinary sum. "I never heerd of such a thing."

I'll work for twelve'n a half, said Abner, "and I won't work for no less."

It's too much, said the squire. "Besides, you agreed to come for ten."

I know I did; but this is a new engagement.

Finally Abner reduced his terms to twelve dollars, an advance of two dollars a month, to which the squire was forced to agree, though very reluctantly. He thought, with an inward groan, that but for his hasty dismissal of Abner the night before, on the supposition that he could obtain Harry in his place, he would not have been compelled to raise Abner's wages. This again resulted indirectly from selling the cow, which had put the new plan into his head. When the squire reckoned up this item, amounting in six months to twelve dollars, he began to doubt whether his cow trade had been quite so good after all.

I'll get it out of Hiram Walton some way, he muttered. "He's a great fool to let that boy have his own way. I thought to be sure he'd oblige me arter the favor I done him in sellin' him the cow. There's gratitude for you!"

The squire's ideas about gratitude, and the manner in which he had earned it, were slightly mixed, it must be acknowledged. But, though he knew very well that he had been influenced only by the consideration of his own interest, he had a vague idea that he was entitled to some credit for his kindness in consenting to sell his neighbor a cow at an extortionate price.

Harry breathed a deep sigh of relief after Squire Green left the room.

I was afraid you were going to hire me out to the squire, father, he said.

You didn't enjoy the prospect, did you? said his father, smiling.

Not much.

Shouldn't think he would, said his brother Tom.

The squire's awful stingy. Abner Kimball told me he had the meanest breakfast he ever ate anywhere.

I don't think any of his household are in danger of contracting the gout from luxurious living.

I guess not, said Tom.

I think, said Jane, slyly, "you'd better hire out Tom to the squire."

The squire would have the worst of the bargain, said his father, with a good-natured hit at Tom's sluggishness.

He wouldn't earn his board, however poor it might be.

The squire didn't seem to like it very well, said Mrs. Walton, looking up from her mending.

No, he fully expected to get Harry for little or nothing. It was ridiculous to offer two dollars a month for a boy of his age.

I am afraid he will be more disposed to be hard on you, when the time comes to pay for the cow. He told you he wouldn't extend the time.

He is not likely to after this; but, wife, we won't borrow trouble. Something may turn up to help us.

I am sure I shall be able to help you about it, father, said Harry.

I hope so, my son, but don't feel too certain. You may not succeed as well as you anticipate.

I know that, but I mean to try at any rate.

If you don't, Tom will, said his sister.

Quit teasin' a feller, Jane, said Tom. "I ain't any lazier'n you are. If I am, I'll eat my head."

Then you'll have to eat it, Tom, retorted Jane; "and it won't be much loss to you, either."

Don't dispute, children, said Mrs. Walton. "I expect you both will turn over a new leaf by and by."

Meanwhile, Harry was busily reading the "Life of Franklin." The more he read, the more hopeful he became as to the future.

Chapter 9" Leaving Home

Monday morning came, and the whole family stood on the grass plat in front of the house, ready to bid Harry good-by. He was encumbered by no trunk, but carried his scanty supply of clothing wrapped in a red cotton handkerchief, and not a very heavy bundle at that. He had cut a stout stick in the woods near by, and from the end of this suspended over his back bore the bundle which contained all his worldly fortune except the twenty-five cents which was in his vest pocket.

I don't like to have you go, said his mother, anxiously. "Suppose you don't get work?"

Don't worry about me, mother, said Harry, brightly. "I'll get along somehow."

Remember you've got a home here, Harry, whatever happens, said his father.

I shan't forget, father.

I wish I was going with you, said Tom, for the first time fired with the spirit of adventure.

What could you do, Tom? said Jane, teasingly.

Work, of course.

I never saw you do it yet.

I'm no more lazy than you, retorted Tom, offended.

Don't dispute, children, just as your brother is leaving us, said Mrs. Walton.

Good-by, mother, said Harry, feeling an unwonted moistening of the eyes, as he reflected that he was about to leave the house in which he had lived since infancy.

Good-by, my dear child, said his mother, kissing him.

Be sure to write.

Yes I will.

So with farewell greetings Harry walked out into the world. He had all at once assumed a man's responsibilities, and his face grew serious, as he began to realize that he must now look out for himself.

His native village was situated in the northern part of New Hampshire. Not far away could be seen, indistinct in the distance, the towering summits of the White Mountain range, but his back was turned to them. In the south were larger and more thriving villages, and the wealth was greater. Harry felt that his chances would be greater there. Not that he had any particular place in view. Wherever there was an opening, he meant to stop.

I won't come back till I am better off, he said to himself. "If I don't succeed it won't be for want of trying."

He walked five miles without stopping. This brought him to the middle of the next town. He was yet on familiar ground, for he had been here more than once. He felt tired, and sat down by the roadside to rest before going farther. While he sat there the doctor from his own village rode by, and chanced to espy Harry, whom he recognized.

What brings you here, Harry? he asked, stopping his chaise.

I'm going to seek my fortune, said Harry.

What, away from home?

Yes, sir.

I hadn't heard of that, said the doctor, surprised.

You haven't run away from home? he asked, with momentary suspicion.

No, indeed! said Harry, half indignantly. "Father's given his permission for me to go."

Where do you expect to go?

South, said Harry, vaguely.

And what do you expect to find to do?

I don't know--anything that'll bring me a living.

I like your spunk, said the doctor, after a pause. "If you're going my way, as I suppose you are, I can carry you a couple of miles. That's better than walking, isn't it?"

I guess it is, said Harry, jumping to his feet with alacrity.

In a minute he was sitting beside Dr. Dunham in his old-fashioned chaise. "I might have known that you were not running away," said the doctor. "I should be more likely to suspect your Brother Tom."

Tom's too lazy to run away to earn his own living, said Harry, laughing, "as long as he can get it at home."

The doctor smiled.

And what put it into your head to start out in this way? he asked.

The first thing, was reading the' Life of Franklin.'

To be sure. I remember his story.

And the next thing was, because my father is so poor. He finds it hard work to support us all. The farm is small, and the land is poor. I want to help him if I can.

Very commendable, Harry, said the doctor, kindly.

You owe a debt of gratitude to your good father, who has not succeeded so well in life as he deserves.

That's true, sir. He has always been a hard-working man.

If you start out with such a good object, I think you will succeed. Have you any plans at all, or any idea what you would like to do?

I thought I should like to work in a shoe shop, if I got a chance, said Harry.

You like that better than working on a farm, then?

Yes, sir, There isn't much money to be earned by working on a farm. I had a chance to do that before I came away.

You mean working on your father's land, I suppose?

No, Squire Green wanted to hire me.

What wages did he offer?

Two dollars a month, at first. Afterwards he got up to three.

The doctor smiled.

How could you decline such a magnificent offer? he asked.

I don't think I should like boarding at the squire's.

A dollar is twice as large at least in his eyes as in those of anyone else.

By this time they had reached a place where a road turned at right angles.

I am going down here, Harry, said the doctor. "I should like to have you ride farther, but I suppose it would only be taking you out of your course."

Yes, doctor. I'd better get out.

I'll tell your father I saw you.

Tell him I was in good spirits, said Harry, earnestly. "Mother'll be glad to know that."

I will certainly. Good-by!

Good-by, doctor. Thank you for the ride.

You are quite welcome to that, Harry.

Harry followed with his eyes the doctor's chaise. It seemed like severing the last link that bound him to his native village. He was very glad to have fallen in with the doctor, but it seemed all the more lonesome that he had left him.

Harry walked six miles farther, and then decided that it was time to rest again. He was not only somewhat fatigued, but decidedly hungry, although it was but eleven o'clock in the forenoon. However, it must be considered that he had walked eleven miles, and this was enough to give anyone an appetite.

He sat down again beside the road, and untying the handkerchief which contained his worldly possessions, he drew therefrom a large slice of bread and began to eat with evident relish. There was a slice of cold meat also, which he found tasted particularly good.

I wonder whether they are thinking of me at home, he said to himself.

They were thinking about him, and when an hour later the family gathered around the table, no one seemed to have much appetite. All looked sober, for all were thinking of the absent son and brother.

I wish Harry was here, said Jane, at length, giving voice to the general feeling.

Poor boy, sighed his mother. "I'm afraid he'll have a hard time. I wish he had stayed at home, or even have gone to Squire Green's to work. Then we could have seen him every day."

I should have pitied him more if he had gone there than I do now, said his father. "Depend upon it, it; will be better for him in the end."

I hope so, said his mother, dubiously.

But you don't feel sure? Well, time will show. We shall hear from him before long.

We go back to Harry.

He rested for a couple of hours, sheltered from the sun by the foliage of the oak beneath which he had stretched himself. He whiled away the time by reading for the second time some parts of the "Life of Franklin," which he had brought away in his bundle, with his few other possessions. It seemed even more interesting to him now that he, too, like Franklin, had started out in quest for fortune.

He resumed walking, but we will not dwell upon the details of his journey. At six o'clock he was twenty-five miles from home. He had not walked much in the afternoon when, all at once, he was alarmed by the darkening of the sky. It was evident that a storm was approaching. He looked about him for shelter from the shower, and a place where he could pass the night.

Chapter 10" The General

The clouds were darkening, and the shower was evidently not far off. It was a solitary place, and no houses were to be seen near by. But nearly a quarter of a mile back Harry caught sight of a small house, and jumping over the fence directed his steps toward it. Five minutes brought him to it. It was small, painted red, originally, but the color had mostly been washed away. It was not upon a public road, but there was a narrow lane leading to it from the highway. Probably it was occupied by a poor family, Harry thought. Still it would shelter him from the storm which had even now commenced.

He knocked at the door.

Immediately it was opened and a face peered out--the face of a man advanced in years. It was thin, wrinkled, and haggard. The thin white hair, uncombed, gave a wild appearance to the owner, who, in a thin, shrill voice, demanded, "Who are you?"

My name is Harry Walton.

What do you want?

Shelter from the storm. It is going to rain.

Come in, said the old man, and opening the door wider, he admitted our hero.

Harry found himself in a room very bare of furniture, but there was a log fire in the fireplace, and this looked comfortable and pleasant. He laid down his bundle, and drawing up a chair sat down by it, his host meanwhile watching him closely.

Does he live alone, I wonder? thought Harry.

He saw no other person about, and no traces of a woman's presence. The floor looked as if it had not been swept for a month, and probably it had not.

The old man sat down opposite Harry, and stared at him, till our hero felt somewhat embarrassed and uncomfortable.

Why don't he say something? thought Harry.

He is a very queer old man.

After a while his host spoke.

Do you know who I am? he asked.

No, said Harry, looking at him.

You've heard of me often, pursued the old man.

I didn't know it, answered Harry, beginning to feel curious.

In history, added the other.

In history?


Harry began to look at him in increased surprise.

Will you tell me your name, if it is not too much trouble, he asked, politely.

I gained the victory of New Orleans, said the old man.

I thought General Jackson did that, said Harry.

You're right, said the old man, complacently. "I am General Jackson."

But General Jackson is dead.

That's a mistake, said the old man, quietly. "That's what they say in all the books, but it isn't true."

This was amusing, but it was also startling. Harry knew now that the old man was crazy, or at least a monomaniac, and, though he seemed harmless enough, it was of course possible that he might be dangerous. He was almost sorry that he had sought shelter here. Better have encountered the storm in its full fury than place himself in the power of a maniac. The rain was now falling in thick drops, and he decided at any rate to remain a while longer. He knew that it would not be well to dispute the old man, and resolved to humor his delusion.

You were President once, I believe? he asked.

Yes, said the old man; "and you won't tell anybody, will you?"


I mean to be again, said the old man in a low voice, half in a whisper. "But you mustn't say anything about it. They'd try to kill me, if they knew it."

Who would?

Mr. Henry Clay, and the rest of them.

Doesn't Henry Clay want you to be President again?

Of course not. He wants to be President himself. That's why I'm hiding. They don't any of them know where I am. You won't tell, will you?


You might meet Henry Clay, you know.

Harry smiled to himself. It didn't seem very likely that he would ever find himself in such distinguished company, for Henry Clay was at that time living, and a United States Senator.

What made you come here, General Jackson? he inquired.

The old man brightened, on being called by this name.

Because it was quiet. They can't find me here.

When do you expect to be President again?

Next year, said the old man. "I've got it all arranged. My friends are to blow up the capitol, and I shall ride into Washington on a white horse. Do you want an office?"

I don't know but I should like one, said Harry, amused.

I'll see what I can do for you, said the old man, seriously. "I can't put you in my Cabinet. That's all arranged. If you would like to be Minister to England or to France, you can go."

I should like to go to France. Benjamin Franklin was Minister to France.

Do you know him?

No; but I have read his life.

I'll put your name down in my book. What is it?

Harry Walton.

The old man went to the table, on which was a common account book. He took a pen, and, with a serious look, made this entry:


I promise to make Harry Walton Minister to France, as soon as I take my place in the White House. GENERAL ANDREW JACKSON""


It's all right now, he said.

Thank you, general. You are very kind, said our hero.

Were you ever a soldier? asked his host.

I never was.

I thought you might have been in the battle of New Orleans. Our men fought splendidly, sir.

I have no doubt of it.

You'll read all about it in history. We fought behind cotton bales. It was glorious!

General, said Harry, "if you'll excuse me, I'll take out my supper from this bundle."

No, no, said the old man; "you must take supper with me."

I wonder whether he has anything fit to eat, thought Harry. "Thank you," he said aloud. "If you wish it."

The old man had arisen, and, taking a teakettle, suspended it over the fire. A monomaniac though he was on the subject of his identity with General Jackson, he knew how to make tea. Presently he took from the cupboard a baker's roll and some cold meat, and when the tea was ready, invited Harry to be seated at the table. Our hero did so willingly. He had lost his apprehensions, perceiving that his companion's lunacy was of a very harmless character.

What if mother could see me now! he thought.

Still the rain poured down. It showed no signs of slackening. He saw that it would be necessary to remain where he was through the night.

General, can you accommodate me till morning? he asked.

Certainly, said the old man. "I shall be glad to have you stay here. Do you go to France to-morrow?"

I have not received my appointment yet.

True, true; but it won't be long. I will write your instructions to-night.

Very well.

The supper was plain enough, but it was relished by our young traveler, whose long walk had stimulated a naturally good appetite.

Eat heartily, my son, said the old man. "A long journey is before you."

After the meal was over, the old man began to write.

Harry surmised that it was his instructions. He paid little heed, but fixed his eyes upon the fire, listening to the rain that continued to beat against the window panes, and began to speculate about the future. Was he to be successful or not? He was not without solicitude, but he felt no small measure of hope. At nine o'clock he began to feel drowsy, and intimated as much to his host. The old man conducted him to an upper chamber, where there was a bed upon the floor.

You can sleep there, he said.

Where do you sleep? asked Harry.

Down below; but I shall not go to bed till late. I must get ready your instructions.

Very well, said Harry. "Good night."

Good night.

I am glad he is not in the room with me, thought Harry. "I don't think there is any danger, but it isn't comfortable to be too near a crazy man."

Chapter 11" In Search Of Work

When Harry awoke the next morning, after a sound and refreshing sleep, the sun was shining brightly in at the window. He rubbed his eyes, and stared about him, not at first remembering where he was. But almost immediately recollection came to his aid, and he smiled as he thought of the eccentric old man whose guest he was. He leaped out of bed, and quickly dressing himself, went downstairs. The fire was burning, and breakfast was already on the table. It was precisely similar to the supper of the night previous. The old man sat at the fireside smoking a pipe.

Good morning, general, said Harry. "I am up late."

It is no matter. You have a long journey before you, and it is well to rest before starting.

Where does he think I am going? thought our hero.

Breakfast is ready, said the old man, hospitably. "I can't entertain you now as I could have done when I was President. You must come and see me at the White House next year."

I should like to.

Harry ate a hearty breakfast. When it was over, he rose to go.

I must be going, general, he said. "Thank you for your kind entertainment. If you would allow me to pay you."

General Jackson does not keep an inn, said the old man, with dignity. "You are his guest. I have your instructions ready."

He opened a drawer in the table, and took a roll of foolscap, tied with a string.

Put it in your bundle, he said. "Let no one see it. Above all, don't let it fall into the hands of Henry Clay, or my life will be in peril."

Harry solemnly assured him that Henry Clay should never see it, and shaking the old man by the hand, made his way across the fields to the main road. Looking back from time to time, he saw the old man watching him from his place in the doorway, his eyes shaded by his hand.

He is the strangest man I ever saw, thought Harry. "Still he treated me kindly. I should like to find out some more about him."

When he reached the road he saw, just in front of him, a boy of about his own age driving half a dozen cows before him.

Perhaps he can tell me something about the old man.

Hello! he cried, by way of salutation.

Hello! returned the country boy. "Where are you going?"

I don't know. Wherever I can find work, answered our hero.

The boy laughed. "Dad finds enough for me to do. I don't have to go after it. Haven't you got a father?"


Why don't you work for him?

I want to work for pay.

On a farm?

No. I'll work in a shoe shop if I get a chance or in a printing office.

Do you understand the shoe business?

No; but I can learn.

Where did you come from?


You didn't come from there this morning?

No, I guess not, as it's over twenty miles. Last night I stopped at General Jackson's.

The boy whistled.

What, at the old crazy man's that lives down here a piece?


What made you go there?

It began, to rain, and I had no other place to go.

What did he say? asked the new boy with curiosity.

Did he cut up?

Cut up? No, unless you mean the bread. He cut up that.

I mean, how did he act?

All right, except when he was talking about being General Jackson.

Did you sleep there?


I wouldn't.

Why not?

I wouldn't sleep in a crazy man's house.

He wouldn't hurt you.

I don't know about that. He chases us boys often, and threatens to kill us.

You plague him, don't you?

I guess we do. We call him 'Old Crazy,' and that makes him mad. He says Henry Clay puts us up to it--ho, ho, ho!

He thinks Clay is his enemy. He told me so.

What did you say?

Oh, I didn't contradict him. I called him general. He treated me tip-top. He is going to make me Minister of France, when he is President again.

Maybe that was the best way to get along.

How long has he lived here? What made him crazy?

I don't know. Folks say he was disappointed.

Did he ever see Jackson?

Yes; he fit at New Orleans under him.

Has he lived long around here?

Ever since I can remember. He gets a pension, I've heard father say. That's what keeps him.

Here the boy reached the pasture to which he was driving the cows, and Harry, bidding him "good-by," went on his way. He felt fresh and vigorous, and walked ten miles before he felt the need of rest. When this distance was accomplished, he found himself in the center of a good-sized village. He felt hungry, and the provision which he brought from home was nearly gone. There was a grocery store close at hand, and he went in, thinking that he would find something to help his meal. On the counter he saw some rolls, and there was an open barrel of apples not far off.

What do you charge for your rolls? he asked.

Two cents.

I'll take one. How do you sell your apples?

A cent apiece.

I'll take two.

Thus for four cents Harry made quite a substantial addition to his meal. As he left the store, and walked up the road, with the roll in his hand, eating an apple, he called to mind Benjamin Franklin's entrance of Philadelphia with a roll under each arm.

I hope I shall have as good luck as Franklin had, he thought.

Walking slowly, he saw, on a small building which he I had just reached, the sign, "Post Office."

Perhaps the postmaster will know if anybody about here wants a boy, Harry said to himself. "At any rate, it won't do any harm to inquire."

He entered, finding himself in a small room, with one part partitioned off as a repository for mail matter. He stepped up to a little window, and presently the postmaster, an elderly man, presented himself.

What name, he asked.

I haven't come for a letter, said Harry.

What do you want, then? asked the official, but not roughly.

Do you know of anyone that wants to hire a boy?

Who's the boy?

I am. I want to get a chance to work.

What kind of work?

Any kind that'll pay my board and a little over.

I don't know of any place, said the postmaster, after a little thought.

Isn't there any shoe shop where I could get in?

That reminds me--James Leavitt told me this morning that his boy was going to Boston to go into a store in a couple of months. He's been pegging for his father and I guess they'll have to get somebody in his place.

Harry's face brightened at this intelligence.

That's just the kind of place I'd like to get, he said.

Where does Mr. Leavitt live?

A quarter of a mile from here--over the bridge. You'll know it well enough. It's a cottage house, with a shoe shop in the backyard.

Thank you, sir, said Harry. "I'll go there and try my luck."

Wait a minute, said the postmaster. "There's a letter here for Mr. Leavitt. If you're going there, you may as well carry it along. It's from Boston. I shouldn't wonder if it's about the place Bob Leavitt wants."

I'll take it with pleasure, said Harry.

It occurred to him that it would be a good introduction for him, and pave the way for his application.

I hope I may get a chance to work for this Mr. Leavitt, he said to himself. "I like the looks of this village. I should like to live here for a while."

He walked up the street, crossing the bridge referred to by the postmaster, and looked carefully on each side of him for the cottage and shop. At length he came to a place which answered the description, and entered the yard. As he neared the shop he heard a noise which indicated that work was going on inside. He opened the door, and entered.

Chapter 12" The New Boarder

Harry found himself in a room about twenty-five feet by twenty. The floor was covered with scraps of leather. Here stood a deep wooden box containing a case of shoes ready to send off. There was a stove in the center, in which, however, as it was a warm day, no fire was burning. There were three persons present. One, a man of middle age, was Mr. James Leavitt, the proprietor of the shop. His son Robert, about seventeen, worked at an adjoining bench. Tom Gavitt, a journeyman, a short, thick-set man of thirty, employed by Mr. Leavitt, was the third.

The three looked up as Harry entered the shop.

I have a letter for Mr. Leavitt, said our hero.

That is my name, said the eldest of the party.

Harry advanced, and placed it in his hands.

Where did you get this letter?

At the post office.

I can't call you by name. Do you live about here?

No, I came from Granton.

No further questions were asked just then, as Mr. Leavitt, suspending work, opened the letter.

It's from your Uncle Benjamin, he said, addressing Robert. "Let us see what he has to say."

He read the letter in silence.

What does he say, father? asked Robert.

He says he shall be ready to take you the first of September. That's in six weeks--a little sooner than we calculated. I wish it were a little later, as work is brisk, and I may find it difficult to fill your place without paying more than I want to.

I guess you can pick up somebody, said Robert, who was anxious to go to Boston as soon as possible.

Won't you hire me? asked Harry, who felt that the time had come for him to announce his business.

Mr. Leavitt looked at him more attentively.

Have you ever worked in a shop?

No, sir.

It will take you some time to learn pegging.

I'll work for my board till I've learned.

But you won't be able to do all I want at first.

Suppose I begin now, said Harry, "and work for my board till your son goes away. By that time I can do considerable."

I don't know but that's a good idea, said Mr. Leavitt. "What do you think, Bob?"

Better take him, father, said Robert, who felt that it would facilitate his own plans.

How much would you want after you have learned? asked the father.

I don't know; what would be a fair price, said Harry.

I'll give you three dollars a week and board, said Mr. Leavitt, after a little consideration--"that is, if I am satisfied with you."

I'll come, said Harry, promptly. He rapidly calculated that there would be about twenty weeks for which he would receive pay before the six months expired, at the end of which the cow must be paid for. This would give him sixty dollars, of which he thought he should be able to save forty to send or carry to his father.

How did you happen to come to me? asked Mr. Leavitt, with some curiosity.

I heard at the post office that your son was going to the city to work, and I thought I could get in here.

Is your father living?

Yes, my father and mother both.

What business is he in?

He is a farmer; but his farm is small, and not very profitable.

So you thought you would leave home and try something else?

Yes, sir.

Well, we will try you at shoemaking. Robert, you can teach him what you know about pegging.

Come here, said Robert. "What is your name?"

Harry Walton.

How old are you?


Did you ever work much?

Yes, on a farm.

Do you think you'll like shoemaking better?

I don't know yet, but I think I shall. I like almost anything better than farming.

And I like almost anything better than pegging. I began when I was only twelve years old, and I'm sick of it.

What kind of store is it you are going into?

Dry goods. My uncle, Benjamin Streeter, mother's brother, keeps a dry goods store on Washington street. It'll be jolly living in the city.

I don't know, said Harry thoughtfully. "I think I like a village just as well."

What sort of a place is Granton, where you come from?

It's a farming town. There isn't any village at all.

There isn't much going on here.

There'll be more than in Granton. There's nothing to do there but to work on a farm.

I shouldn't like that myself; but the city's the best of all

Can you make more money in a store than working in a shoe shop?

Not so much at first, but after you've got learned there's better chances. There's a clerk, that went from here ten years ago, that gets fifty dollars a week.

Does he? asked Harry, to whose rustic inexperience this seemed like an immense salary. "I didn't think any clerk ever got so much."

They get it often if they are smart, said Robert.

Here he was wrong, however. Such cases are exceptional, and a city fry goods clerk, considering his higher rate of expense, is no better off than many country mechanics. But country boys are apt to form wrong ideas on this subject, and are in too great haste to forsake good country homes for long hours of toil behind a city counter, and a poor home in a dingy, third-class city boarding house. It is only in the wholesale houses, for the most part, that high salaries are paid, and then, of course, only to those who have shown superior energy and capacity. Of course some do achieve success and become rich; but of the tens of thousand who come from the country to seek clerkships, but a very small proportion rise above a small income.

I shall have a start, Robert proceeded, "for I go into my uncle's store. I am to board at his house, and get three dollars a week."

That's what your father offers me, said Harry.

Yes; you'll earn more after a while, and I can now; but I'd rather live in the city. There's lots to see in the city--theaters, circuses, and all kinds of amusements.

You won't have much money to spend on theaters, said Harry, prudently.

Not at first, but I'll get raised soon.

I think I should try to save as much as I could.

Out of three dollars a week?


What can you save out of that?

I expect to save half of it, perhaps more.

I couldn't do that. I want a little fun.

You see my father's poor. I want to help him all I can.

That's good advice for you, Bob, said Mr. Leavitt.

Save up money, and help me.

Robert laughed.

You'll have to wait till I get bigger pay, he said.

Your father's better off than mine, said Harry.

Of course, if he don't need it, that makes a difference.

Here the sound of a bell was heard, proceeding from the house.

Robert, said his father "go in and tell your mother to put an extra seat at the table. She doesn't know that we've got a new boarder."

He took off his apron, and washed his hands. Tom Gavitt followed his example, but didn't go into the house of his employer. He lived in a house of his own about five minutes' walk distant, but left the shop at the same time. In a country village the general dinner hour is twelve o'clock--a very unfashionably early hour--but I presume any of my readers who had been at work from seven o'clock would have no difficulty in getting up a good appetite at noon.

Robert went in and informed his mother of the new boarder. It made no difference, for the table was always well supplied.

This is Harry Walton, mother, said Mr. Leavitt, "our new apprentice. He will take Bob's place when he goes."

I am glad to see you, said Mrs. Leavitt, hospitably.

You may sit here, next to Robert.

What have you got for us to-day, mother? asked her husband.

A picked-up dinner. There's some cold beef left over from yesterday, and I've made an apple pudding.

That's good. We don't want anything better.

So Harry thought. Accustomed to the painful frugality of the table at home, he regarded this as a splendid dinner, and did full justice to it.

In the afternoon he resumed work in the shop under Robert's guidance. He was in excellent spirits. He felt that he was very fortunate to have gained a place so soon, and determined to write home that same evening.

Chapter 13" An Invitation Declined

The summer passed quickly, and the time arrived for Robert Leavitt to go to the city. By this time Harry was well qualified to take his place. It had not been difficult, for he had only been required to peg, and that is learned in a short time. Harry, however, proved to be a quick workman, quicker, if anything, than Robert, though the latter had been accustomed to the work for several years. Mr. Leavitt was well satisfied with his new apprentice, and quite content to pay him the three dollars a week agreed upon. In fact, it diminished the amount of cash he was called upon to pay.

Good-by, Harry, said Robert, as he saw the coach coming up the road, to take him to the railroad station.

Good-by, and good luck! said Harry.

When you come to the city, come and see me.

I don't think I shall be going very soon. I can't afford it.

You must save up your wages, and you'll have enough soon.

I've got another use for my wages, Bob.

To buy cigars?

Harry shook his head. "I shall save it up to carry home."

Well, you must try to make my place good in the shop.

He can do that, said Mr. Leavitt, slyly; "but there's one place where he can't equal you."

Where is that?

At the dinner table.

You've got me there, father, said Bob, good-naturedly. "Well, good-by all, here's the stage."

In a minute more he was gone. Harry felt rather lonely, for he had grown used to working beside him. But his spirits rose as he reflected that the time had now come when he should be in receipt of an income. Three dollars a week made him feel rich in anticipation. He looked forward already with satisfaction to the time when he might go home with money enough to pay off his father's debt to Squire Green. But he was not permitted to carry out his economical purpose without a struggle.

On Saturday evening, after he had received his week's pay, Luke Harrison, who worked in a shop near by, met him at the post office.

Come along, Harry, he said. "Let us play a game of billiards."

You must excuse me, said Harry.

Oh, come along, said Luke, taking him by the arm; "it's only twenty-five cents."

I can't afford it,

Can't afford it! Now that's nonsense. You just changed a two-dollar note for those postage stamps.

I know that; but I must save that money for another purpose.

What's the use of being stingy, Harry? Try one game.

You can get somebody else to play with you, Luke.

Oh, hang it, if you care so much for a quarter, I'll pay for the game myself. Only come and play.

Harry shook his head.

I don't want to amuse myself at your expense.

You are a miser, said Luke, angrily.

You can call me so, if you like, said Harry, firmly; "but that won't make it so."

I don't see how you can call yourself anything else, if you are so afraid to spend your money.

I have good reasons.

What are they?

I told you once that I had another use for the money.

To hoard away in an old stocking, said Luke, sneering.

You may say so, if you like, said Harry, turning away.

He knew he was right, but it was disagreeable to be called a miser. He was too proud to justify himself to Luke, who spent all his money foolishly, though earning considerably larger wages than he.

There was one thing that Harry had not yet been able to do to any great extent, though it was something he had at heart. He had not forgotten his motto, "Live and Learn," and now that he was in a fair way to make a living, he felt that he had made no advance in learning during the few weeks since he arrived in Glenville.

The day previous he had heard, for the first time, that there was a public library in another part of the town, which was open evenings. Though it was two miles distant, and he had been at work all day, he determined to walk up there and get a book. He felt that he was very ignorant, and that his advance in the world depended upon his improving all opportunities that might present themselves for extending his limited knowledge. This was evidently one.

After his unsatisfactory interview with Luke, he set out for the upper village, as it was called. Forty minutes' walk brought him to the building in which the library was kept. An elderly man had charge of it--a Mr. Parmenter.

Can I take out a book? asked Harry.

Do you live in town?

Yes, sir.

I don't remember seeing you before. You don't live in this village, do you?

No, sir. I live in the lower village.

What is your name?

Harry Walton.

I don't remember any Walton family.

My father lives in Granton. I am working for Mr. James Leavitt.

I have no doubt this is quite correct, but I shall have to have Mr. Leavitt's certificate to that effect, before I can put your name down, and trust you with books.

Then can't I take any book to-night? asked Harry, disappointed.

I am afraid not.

So it seemed his two-mile walk was for nothing. He must retrace his steps and come again Monday night.

He was turning away disappointed when Dr. Townley, of the lower village, who lived near Mr. Leavitt, entered the library.

My wife wants a book in exchange for this, Mr. Parmenter, he said. "Have you got anything new in? Ah, Harry Walton, how came you here? Do you take books out of the library?"

That's is what I came up for, but the librarian says I must bring a line from Mr. Leavitt, telling who I am.

If Dr. Townley knows you, that is sufficient, said the librarian.

He is all right, Mr. Parmenter. He is a young neighbor of mine.

That is enough. He can select a book.

Harry was quite relieved at this fortunate meeting, and after a little reflection selected the first volume of "Rollin's Universal History," a book better known to our fathers than the present generation.

That's a good, solid book, Harry, said the doctor.

Most of our young people select stories.

I like stories very much, said Harry; "but I have only a little time to read, and I must try to learn something."

You are a sensible boy, said the doctor, emphatically.

I'm afraid there are few of our young people who take such wise views of what is best for them. Most care only for present enjoyment.

I have got my own way to make, said Harry, "and I suppose that is what influences me. My father is poor and cannot help me, and I want to rise in the world."

You are going the right way to work. Do you intend to take out books often from the library?

Yes, sir.

It will be a long walk from the lower village.

I would walk farther rather than do without the books.

I can save you at any rate from walking back. My chaise is outside, and, if you will jump in, I will carry you home.

Thank you, doctor. I shall be very glad to ride.

On the way, Dr. Townley said: "I have a few miscellaneous book in my medical library, which I will lend to you with pleasure, if you will come in. It may save you an occasional walk to the library."

Harry thanked him, and not long afterwards availed himself of the considerate proposal. Dr Townley was liberally educated, and as far as his professional engagements would permit kept up with general literature. He gave Harry some valuable directions as to the books which it would benefit him to read, and more than once took him up on the road to the library.

Once a week regularly Harry wrote home. He knew that his letters would give pleasure to the family, and he never allowed anything to interfere with his duty.

His father wrote: "We are getting on about as usual. The cow does tolerably well, but is not as good as the one I lost. I have not yet succeeded in laying up anything toward paying for her. Somehow, whenever I have a few dollars laid aside Tom wants shoes, or your sister wants a dress, or some other expense swallows it up."

Harry wrote in reply: "Don't trouble yourself, father, about your debt to Squire Green. If I have steady work, and keep my health, I shall have enough to pay it by the time it comes due."

Chapter 14" The Tailor's Customer

At the end of six weeks from the date of Robert's departure, Harry had been paid eighteen dollars. Of this sum he had spent but one dollar, and kept the balance in his pocketbook. He did not care to send it home until he had enough to meet Squire Green's demand, knowing that his father would be able to meet his ordinary expenses. Chiefly through the reports of Luke Harrison he was acquiring the reputation of meanness, though, as we know, he was far from deserving it.

See how the fellow dresses, said Luke, contemptuously, to two of his companions one evening. "His clothes are shabby enough, and he hasn't got an overcoat at all. He hoards his money, and is too stingy to buy one. See, there he comes, buttoned to the chin to keep warm, and I suppose he has more money in his pocketbook than the whole of us together. I wouldn't be as mean as he is for a hundred dollars."

You'd rather get trusted for your clothes than do without them, said Frank Heath, slyly; for he happened to know that Luke had run up a bill with the tailor, about which the latter was getting anxious.

What if I do, said Luke, sharply, "as long as I am going to pay for them?"

Oh, nothing, said Frank. "I didn't say anything against it, did I? I suppose you are as able to owe the tailor as anyone."

By this time, Harry had come up.

Where are you going, Walton? asked Luke. "You look cold."

Yes, it's a cold day.

Left your overcoat at home, didn't you?

Harry colored. The fact was, he felt the need of an overcoat, but didn't know how to manage getting one. At the lowest calculation, it would cost all the money he had saved up for one, and the purchase would defeat all his plans. The one he had worn at home during the previous winter was too small for him, and had been given to his brother.

If I only could get through the winter without one, he thought, "I should be all right." But a New England winter is not to be braved with impunity, useless protected by adequate clothing. Luke's sneer was therefore not without effect. But he answered, quietly: "I did not leave it at home, for I have none to leave."

I suppose you are bound to the tailor's to order one.

What makes you think so? asked Harry.

You are not such a fool as to go without one when you have money in your pocket, are you?

You seem very curious about my private affairs, said Harry, rather provoked.

He's only drumming up customers for the tailor, said Frank Heath. "He gets a commission on all he brings."

That's the way he pays his bill, said Sam Anderson.

Quit fooling, boys, said Luke, irritated. "I ain't a drummer. I pay my bills, like a gentleman."

By keeping the tailor waiting, said Frank.

Quit that!

So attention was diverted from Harry by this opportune attack upon Luke, much to our hero's relief. Nevertheless, he saw, that in order to preserve his health, he must have some outer garment, and in order the better to decide what to do, he concluded to step into the tailor's, and inquire his prices.

The tailor, Merrill by name, had a shop over the dry goods store, and thither Harry directed his steps. There was one other person in the shop, a young fellow but little larger than Harry, though two years older, who was on a visit to an aunt in the neighborhood, but lived in Boston. He belonged to a rich family, and had command of considerable money. His name was Maurice Tudor. He had gone into the shop to leave a coat to be repaired.

How are you, Walton? he said, for he knew our hero slightly.

Pretty well. Thank you.

It's pretty cold for October.

Yes, unusually so.

Mr. Merrill, said Harry, "I should like to inquire the price of an overcoat. I may want to order one by and by."

What sort of one do you want--pretty nice?

No, I can't afford anything nice--something as cheap as possible.

This is the cheapest goods I have, said the tailor, pointing to some coarse cloth near by.

I can make you up a coat from that for eighteen dollars.

Eighteen dollars! exclaimed Harry, in dismay. "Is that the cheapest you have?"

The very cheapest.

After a minute's pause he added, "I might take off a dollar for cash. I've got enough of running up bills. There's Luke Harrison owes me over thirty dollars, and I don't believe he means to pay it al all."

If I buy, I shall pay cash, said Harry, quietly.

You can't get anything cheaper than this. said the tailor.

Very likely not, said Harry, soberly. "I'll think about it, and let you know if I decide to take it."

Maurice Tudor was a silent listener to this dialogue. He saw Harry's sober expression, and he noticed the tone in which he repeated "eighteen dollars," and he guessed the truth. He lingered after Harry went out, and said:

That's a good fellow.

Harry Walton? repeated the tailor. "Yes, he's worth a dozen Luke Harrisons."

Has he been in the village long?

No, not more than two or three months. He works for Mr. Leavitt.

He is rather poor, I suppose.

Yes. The boys call him mean; but Leavitt tells me he is saving up every cent to send to his father, who is a poor farmer.

That's a good thing in him.

Yes, I wish I could afford to give him and overcoat. He needs one, but I suppose seventeen dollars will come rather hard on him to pay. If it was Luke Harrison, it wouldn't trouble him much.

You mean he would get it on tick.

Yes, if he found anybody fool enough to trust him. I've done it as long as I'm going to. He won't get a dollar more credit out of me till he pays his bill.

You're perfectly right, there.

So I think. He earns a good deal more than Walton, but spends what he earns on billiards, drinks and cigars.

There he comes up the stairs, now.

In fact, Luke with his two companions directly afterwards entered the shop.

Merrill, said he, "have you got in any new goods? I must have a new pair of pants."

Yes, I've got some new goods. There's a piece open before you.

It's a pretty thing, Merrill, said Luke, struck by it; "what's your price for a pair off of it?"

Ten dollars.

Isn't that rather steep?

No; the cloth is superior quality.

Well, darn the expense. I like it, and must have it. Just measure me, will you?

Are you ready to pay the account I have against you?

How much is it?

The tailor referred to his books.

Thirty-two dollars and fifty cents, he answered.

All right, Merrill. Wait till the pants are done, and I'll pay the whole at once.

Ain't my credit good? blustered Luke.

You can make it good, said the tailor, significantly.

I didn't think you'd make such a fuss about a small bill.

I didn't think you'd find is so difficult to pay a small bill, returned the tailor.

Luke looked discomfited. He was silent a moment, and then changed his tactics.

Come, Merrill, he said, persuasively; "don't be alarmed. I'm good for it, I guess. I haven't got the money convenient to-day. I lent fifty dollars. I shall have it back next week and then I will pay you."

I am glad to hear it, said Merrill.

So just measure me and hurry up the pants.

I'm sorry but I can't till you settle the bill.

Look here, has Walton been talking against me?

No; what makes you think so?

He don't like me, because I twitted him with his meanness.

I don't consider him mean.

Has he ever bought anything of you?


I knew it. He prefers to go ragged and save his money.

He's too honorable to run up a bill without paying it.

Do you mean me? demanded Luke, angrily.

I hope not. I presume you intend to pay your bills.

Luke Harrison left the shop. He saw that he exhausted his credit with Merrill. As to paying the bill, there was not much chance of that at present, as he had but one dollar and a half in his pocket.

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