Cast Upon The Breakers(原文阅读)

     著书立意乃赠花于人之举,然万卷书亦由人力而为,非尽善尽美处还盼见谅 !

                     —— 华辀远岑

1 2 3✔ 4 5 6

Chapter 13" Charged With Theft

Rodney entered Mr. Goodnow's office without a suspicion of the serious accusation which had been made against him. The first hint that there was anything wrong came to him when he saw the stern look in the merchants eyes.

"Perhaps," said Mr. Goodnow, as he leaned back in his chair and fixed his gaze on the young clerk, "you may have an idea why I have sent for you."

"No, sir," answered Rodney, looking puzzled.

"You can't think of any reason I may have for wishing to see you?"

"No, sir," and Rodney returned Mr. Goodnow's gaze with honest unfaltering eyes.

"Possibly you are not aware that within a few weeks some articles have been missed from our stock."

"I have not heard of it. What kind of articles?"

"The boy is more artful than I thought!" soliloquized the merchant.

"All the articles missed," he proceeded, "have been from the room in charge of Mr. Redwood, the room in which you, among others, are employed."

Something in Mr. Goodnow's tone gave Rodney the hint of the truth. If he had been guilty he would have flushed and showed signs of confusion. As it was, he only wished to learn the truth and he in turn became the questioner.

"Is it supposed," he asked, "that any one in your employ is responsible for these thefts?"

"It is."

"Is any one in particular suspected?"


"Will you tell me who, that is if you think I ought to know?"

"Certainly you ought to know, for it is you who are suspected."

Then Rodney became indignant.

"I can only deny the charge in the most emphatic terms," he said. "If any one has brought such a charge against me, it is a lie."

"You can say that to Mr. Redwood, for it is he who accuses you."

"What does this mean, Mr. Redwood?" demanded Rodney quickly. "What have you seen in me that leads you to accuse me of theft."

"To tell the truth, Ropes, you are about the last clerk in my room whom I would have suspected. But early this morning this letter was received," and he placed in Rodney's hands the letter given in a preceding chapter.

Rodney read it through and handed it back scornfully.

"I should like to see the person who wrote this letter," he said. "It is a base lie from beginning to end."

"I thought it might be when Mr. Goodnow showed it to me," said Redwood in an even tone, "but Mr. Goodnow and I agreed that it would be well to investigate. Therefore I went to your room."

"When, sir?"

"This morning."

"Then it is all right, for I am sure you found nothing."

"On the contrary, Ropes, I found that the statement made in the letter was true. On your bed was a bundle containing one of the cloaks taken from our stock."

Rodney's face was the picture of amazement.

"Is this true?" he said.

"It certainly is. I hope you don't doubt my word."

"Did you bring it back with you?"

"No; your worthy landlady was not quite sure whether I was what I represented, and I left the parcel there. However I opened it in her presence so that she can testify what I found."

"This is very strange," said Rodney, looking at his accuser with puzzled eyes. "I know nothing whatever of the cloak and can't imagine how it got into my room."

"Perhaps it walked there," said Mr. Goodnow satirically.

Rodney colored, for he understood that his employer did not believe him.

"May I go to my room," he asked, "and bring back the bundle with me?"

Observing that Mr. Goodnow hesitated he added, "You can send Some one with me to see that I don't spirit away the parcel, and come back with it."

"On these conditions you may go. Redwood, send some one with Ropes."

Rodney followed the chief of his department back to the cloak room, and the latter, after a moments thought, summoned Jasper.

"Jasper," he said, "Ropes is going to his room to get a parcel which belongs to the store. You may go with him."

There was a flash of satisfaction in Jasper's eyes as he answered with seeming indifference, "All right! I will go. I shall be glad to have a walk."

As the two boys passed out of the store, Jasper asked, "What does it mean, Ropes?"

"I don't know myself. I only know that there is said to be a parcel containing a cloak in my room. This cloak came from the store, and I am suspected of having stolen it."

"Whew! that's a serious matter. Of course it is all a mistake?"

"Yes, it is all a mistake."

"But how could it get to your room unless you carried it there?"

Rodney gave Jasper a sharp look.

"Some one must have taken it there," he said.

"How on earth did Uncle James find out?"

"An anonymous letter was sent to Mr. Goodnow charging me with theft. Did you hear that articles have been missed for some time from the stock?"

"Never heard a word of it" said Jasper with ready falsehood.

"It seems the articles are missing from our room, and some one in the room is suspected of being the thief."

"Good gracious! I hope no one will suspect me," said Jasper in pretended alarm.

"It seems I am suspected. I hope no other innocent person will have a like misfortune."

Presently they reached Rodney's lodgings. Mrs. McCarty was coming up the basement stairs as they entered.

"La, Mr. Ropes!" she said, "what brings you here in the middle of the day?"

"I hear there is a parcel in my room."

"Yes; it contains such a lovely cloak. The gentleman from your store who called a little while ago thought you might have meant it as a present for me."

"I am afraid it will be some time before I can afford to make such present. Do you know if any one called and left the cloak here?"

"No; I didn't let in no one at the door."

"Was the parcel there when you made the bed?"

"Well, no, it wasn't. That is curious."

"It shows that the parcel has been left here since. Now I certainly couldn't have left it, for I have been at work all the morning. Come up stairs, Jasper."

The two boys went up the stairs, and, entering Rodney's room, found the parcel, still on the bed.

Rodney opened it and identified the cloak as exactly like those which they carried in stock.

He examined the paper in which it was inclosed, but it seemed to differ from the wrapping paper used at the store. He called Jasper's attention to this.

"I have nothing to say," remarked Jasper, shrugging his shoulders. "I don't understand the matter at all. I suppose you are expected to carry the cloak back to the store."

"Yes, that is the only thing to do."

"I say, Ropes, it looks pretty bad for you."

Jasper said this, but Rodney observed that his words were not accompanied by any expressions of sympathy, or any words that indicated his disbelief of Rodney's guilt.

"Do you think I took this cloak from the store?" he demanded, facing round upon Jasper.

"Really, I don't know. It looks bad, finding it in your room."

"I needn't ask any further. I can see what you think."

"You wouldn't have me tell a lie, would you, Ropes? Of course such things have been done before, and your salary is small."

"You insult me by your words," said Rodney, flaming up.

"Then I had better not speak, but you asked me, you know."

"Yes, I did. Things may look against me, but I am absolutely innocent."

"If you can make Mr. Goodnow think so," said Jasper with provoking coolness, "it will be all right. Perhaps he will forgive you."

"I don't want his forgiveness. I want him to think me honest."

"Well, I hope you are, I am sure, but it won't do any good our discussing it, and it doesn't make any difference what I think any way."

By this time they had reached the store.

Chapter 14" Rodney Is Discharged

Rodney reported his return to Mr. Redwood, and in his company went down stairs to the office, with the package under his arm.

"Well?" said Mr. Goodnow inquiringly.

"This is the package, sir."

"And it was found in your room?"

"Yes, sir, I found it on my bed."

"Can't you account for it being there?" asked the merchant searchingly.

"No, sir."

"You must admit that its presence in your room looks bad for you."

"I admit it sir; but I had nothing to do with it being there."

"Have you any theory to account for it?"

"Only this, that some one must have carried it to my room and placed it where it was found."

"Did you question your landlady as to whether she had admitted any one during the morning?"

"Yes, sir. She had not."

"This is very unfavorable to you."

"In what way, sir?"

"It makes it probable that you carried in the parcel yourself."

"That I deny," said Rodney boldly.

"I expected you to deny it" said the merchant coldly. "If this cloak were the only one that had been taken I would drop the matter. But this is by no means the case. Mr. Redwood, can you give any idea of the extent to which we have been robbed?"

"So far as I can estimate we have lost a dozen cloaks and about half a dozen dress patterns."

"This is a serious loss, Ropes," said Mr. Goodnow. "I should think it would foot up several hundred dollars. If you can throw any light upon the thefts, or give me information by which I can get back the goods even at considerable expense, I will be as considerate with you as I can."

"Mr. Goodnow," returned Rodney hotly, "I know no more about the matter than you do. I hope you will investigate, and if you can prove that I took any of the missing articles I want no consideration. I shall expect you to have me arrested, and, if convicted, punished."

"These are brave words, Ropes," said Mr. Goodnow coldly, "but they are only words. The parcel found in your room affords strong ground for suspicion that you are responsible for at least a part of the thefts. Under the circumstances there is only one thing for me to do, and that is to discharge you."

"Very well, sir."

"You may go to the cashier and he will pay you to the end of the week, but your connection with the store will end at once."

"I don't care to be paid to the end of the week, sir. If you will give me an order for payment up to tonight, that will be sufficient."

"It shall be as you say."

Mr. Goodnow wrote a few words on a slip of paper and handed it to Rodney.

"I will leave my address, sir, and if I change it I will notify you. If you should hear anything as to the real robber I will ask you as a favor to communicate with me."

"Mr. Redwood, you have heard the request of Ropes, I will look to you to comply with it."

"Very well, sir."

The merchant turned back to his letters, and Rodney left the office, with what feelings of sorrow and humiliation may be imagined.

"I am sorry for this occurrence, Ropes," said Mr. Redwood, with a touch of sympathy in his voice.

"Do you believe me guilty, Mr. Redwood?"

"I cannot do otherwise. I hope you are innocent, and, if so, that the really guilty party will be discovered sooner or later."

"Thank you, sir."

When they entered the room in which Rodney had been employed Jasper came up, his face alive with curiosity.

"Well," he said, "how did you come out?"

"I am discharged," said Rodney bitterly.

"Well, you couldn't complain of that. Things looked pretty dark for you."

"If I had committed the theft, I would not complain. Indeed, I would submit to punishment without a murmur. But it is hard to suffer while innocent."

"Uncle James," said Jasper, "if Ropes is going will you ask Mr. Goodnow to put me in his place?"

Even Mr. Redwood was disgusted by this untimely request.

"It would be more becoming," he said sharply, "if you would wait till Ropes was fairly out of the store before applying for his position."

"I want to be in time. I don't want any one to get ahead of me."

James Redwood did not deign a reply.

"I am sorry you leave us under such circumstances, Ropes," he said. "The time may come when you will be able to establish your innocence, and in that case Mr. Goodnow will probably take you back again."

Rodney did not answer, but with his order went to the cashier's desk and received the four dollars due him. Then, with a heavy heart, he left the store where it had been such a satisfaction to him to work.

On Broadway he met his room mate, Mike Flynn, in the uniform of a telegraph boy.

"Where are you goin', Rodney?" asked Mike. "You ain't let off so early, are you?"

"I am let off for good and all, Mike."

"What's that?"

"I am discharged."

"What for?" asked Mike in amazement.

"I will tell you when you get home tonight."

Rodney went back to his room, and lay down sad and despondent. Some hours later Mike came in, and was told the story. The warm hearted telegraph boy was very angry.

"That boss of yours must be a stupid donkey," he said.

"I don't know. The parcel was found in my room."

"Anybody'd know to look at you that you wouldn't steal."

"Some thieves look very innocent. The only way to clear me is to find out who left the bundle at the house."

"Doesn't Mrs. McCarty know anything about it?"

"No; I asked her."

"Some one might have got into the house without her knowing anything about it. The lock is a very common one. There are plenty of keys that will open it."

"If we could find some one that saw a person with a bundle go up the steps, that would give us a clew."

"That's so. We'll ask."

But for several days no one could be found who had seen any such person.

Meanwhile Rodney was at a loss what to do. He was cut off from applying for another place, for no one would engage him if he were refused a recommendation from his late employer. Yet he must obtain some employment for he could not live on nothing.

"Do you think, Mike," he asked doubtfully, "that I could make anything selling papers?"

"Such business isn't for you," answered the telegraph boy.

"But it is one of the few things open to me. I can become a newsboy without recommendations. Even your business would be closed to me if it were known that I was suspected of theft."

"Thats so," said Mike, scratching his head in perplexity.

"Then would you recommend my becoming a newsboy?"

"I don't know. You couldn't make more'n fifty or sixty cent a day."

"That will be better than nothing."

"And I can pay the rent, or most of it, as I'll be doin' better than you."

"We will wait and see how much I make."

So Rodney swallowed his pride, and procuring a supply of afternoon papers set about selling them. He knew that it was an honest business, and there was no disgrace in following it.

But one day he was subjected to keen mortification. Jasper Redwood and a friend -- it was Philip Carton, his confederate -- were walking along Broadway, and their glances fell on Rodney.

"I say, Jasper," said the elder of the two, "isn't that the boy who was in the same store with you?"

Jasper looked, and his eyes lighted up with malicious satisfaction.

"Oho!" he said. "Well, this is rich!"

"Give me a paper, boy," he said, pretending not to recognize Rodney at first. "Why, it's Ropes."

"Yes," answered Rodney, his cheek flushing. "You see what I am reduced to. What paper will you buy?"

"The Mail and Express."

"Here it is."

"Can't you get another place?" asked Jasper curiously.

"I might if I could get a recommendation, but probably Mr. Goodnow wouldn't give me one."

"No, I guess not."

"So I must take what I can get."

"Do you make much selling papers?"

"Very little."

"You can't make as much as you did in the store?"

"Not much more than half as much."

"Do you live in the same place?"

"Yes, for the present."

"Oh, by the way, Ropes, I've got your old place," said Jasper in exultation.

"I thought you would get it," answered Rodney, not without a pang.

"Come into the store some day, Ropes. It will seem like old times."

"I shall not enter the store till I am able to clear myself of the charge made against me."

"Then probably you will stay away a long time."

"I am afraid so."

"Well, ta, ta! Come along, Philip."

As Rodney followed with his eye the figure of his complacent successor he felt that his fate was indeed a hard one.

Chapter 15" A Rich Find

As Jasper and his companion moved away, Carton said, "I'm sorry for that poor duffer, Jasper."

"Why should you be sorry?" asked Jasper, frowning.

"Because he has lost a good place and good prospects, and all for no fault of his own."

"You are getting sentimental, Philip," sneered Jasper.

"No, but I am showing a little humanity. He has lost all this through you -- -- "

"Through us, you mean."

"Well, through us. We have made him the scapegoat for our sins."

"Oh well, he is making a living."

"A pretty poor one. I don't think you would like to be reduced to selling papers."

"His case and mine are different."

"I begin to think also that we have made a mistake in getting him discharged so soon."

"We can't take anything more."

"Why not?"

"Because there will be no one to lay the blame upon. He is out of the store."

"That is true. I didn't think of that. But I invited him to come around and call. If he should, and something else should be missing it would be laid to him."

"I don't believe he will call. I am terribly hard up, and our source of income has failed us. Haven't you got a dollar or two to spare?"

"No," answered Jasper coldly. "I only get seven dollars a week."

"But you have nearly all that. You only have to hand in two dollars a week to your uncle."

"Look here, Philip Carton, I hope you don't expect to live off me. I have all I can do to take care of myself."

Carton looked at Jasper in anger and mortification.

"I begin to understand how good a friend you are," he said.

"I am not fool enough to pinch myself to keep you," said Jasper bluntly. "You are a man of twenty five and I am only a boy. You ought to be able to take care of yourself."

"Just give me a dollar, or lend it Jasper, and I will risk it at play. I may rise from the table with a hundred. If I do I will pay you handsomely for the loan."

"I couldn't do it, Mr. Carton. I have only two dollars in my pocket, and I have none to spare."

"Humph! what is that?"

Philip Carton's eyes were fixed upon the sidewalk. There was a flimsy piece of paper fluttering about impelled by the wind. He stooped and picked it up.

"It is a five dollar bill," he exclaimed in exultation. "My luck has come back."

Jasper changed his tone at once. Now Philip was the better off of the two.

"That is luck!" he said. "Shall we go into Delmonico's, and have an ice?"

"If it is at your expense, yes."

"That wouldn't be fair. You have more money than I."

"Yes, and I mean to keep it myself. You have set me the example."

"Come, Philip, you are not angry at my refusing you a loan?"

"No; I think you were sensible. I shall follow your example.

I will bid you good night. I seem to be in luck, and will try my fortune at the gaming table."

"I will go with you."

"No; I would prefer to go alone."

"That fellow is unreasonable," muttered Jasper, as he strode off, discontented. "Did he expect I would divide my salary with him?"

Philip Carton, after he parted company with Jasper, walked back to where Rodney was still selling papers.

"Give me a paper," he said.

"Which will you have?"

"I am not particular. Give me the first that comes handy. Ah, the Evening Sun will do."

He took the paper and put a quarter into Rodney's hand.

As he was walking away Rodney called out, "Stop, here's your change,"

"Never mind," said Philip with a wave of the hand.

"Thank you," said Rodney gratefully, for twenty five cents was no trifle to him at this time.

"That ought to bring me luck," soliloquized Philip Carton as he walked on. "It isn't often I do a good deed. It was all the money I had besides the five dollar bill, and I am sure the news boy will make better use of it than I would."

"That was the young man that was walking with Jasper," reflected Rodney. "Well, he is certainly a better fellow than he. Thanks to this quarter, I shall have made eighty cents today, and still have half a dozen papers. That is encouraging."

Several days passed that could not be considered lucky. Rodney's average profits were only about fifty cent a day, and that was barely sufficient to buy his meals. It left him nothing to put towards paying room rent.

He began to consider whether he would not be compelled to pawn some article from his wardrobe, for he was well supplied with clothing, when he had a stroke of luck.

On Fifteenth Street, by the side of Tiffany's great jewelry store, he picked up a square box neatly done up in thin paper. Opening it, he was dazzled by the gleam of diamonds.

The contents were a diamond necklace and pin, which, even to Rodney's inexperienced eyes, seemed to be of great value.

"Some one must have dropped them in coming from the jewelry store," he reflected. "Who can it be?"

He had not far to seek. There was a card inside on which was engraved:


with an address on Fifth Avenue.

Passing through to Fifth Avenue Rodney began to scan the numbers on the nearest houses. He judged that Mrs. Harvey must live considerably farther up the Avenue, in the direction of Central Park.

"I will go there at once," Rodney decided. "No doubt Mrs. Harvey is very much distressed by her loss. I shall carry her good news."

The house he found to be between Fortieth and Fiftieth Street. Ascending the steps he rang the bell. The door was opened by a man servant.

"Does Mrs. Harvey live here?" asked Rodney.

"What do you want with her, young man?" demanded the servant in a tone of importance.

"That I will tell her."

"What's your name?"

"I can give you my name, but she won't recognize it."

"Then you don't know her."


"If it's money you want, she don't give to beggars."

"You are impudent" said Rodney hotly. "If you don't give my message you will get into trouble."

The servant opened his eyes. He seemed somewhat impressed by Rodney's confident tone.

"Mrs. Harvey doesn't live here," he said.

"Is she in the house?"

"Well, yes, she's visiting here."

"Then why do you waste your time?" said Rodney impatiently. He forgot for the time that he was no longer being educated at an expensive boarding school, and spoke in the tone he would have used before his circumstances had changed.

"I'll go and ask if she'll see you," said the flunky unwillingly.

Five minutes later a pleasant looking woman of middle age descended the staircase.

"Are you the boy that wished to see me?" she asked.

"Yes, if you are Mrs. Harvey."

"I am. But come in! Thomas, why didn't you invite this young gentleman into the parlor?"

Thomas opened his eyes wide. So the boy whom he had treated so cavalierly was a young gentleman.

He privately put down Mrs. Harvey in his own mind as eccentric.

"Excuse me, ma'am," he said. "I didn't know as he was parlor company."

"Well, he is," said Mrs. Harvey with a cordial smile that won Rodney's heart.

"Follow me!" said the lady.

Rodney followed her into a handsome apartment and at a signal seated himself on a sofa.

"Now," she said, "I am ready to listen to your message."

"Have you lost anything?" asked Rodney abruptly.

"Oh, have you found it?" exclaimed Mrs. Harvey, clasping her hands.

"That depends on what you have lost," answered Rodney, who felt that it was necessary to be cautious.

"Certainly, you are quite right. I have lost a box containing jewelry bought this morning at Tiffany's."

"What were the articles?"

"A diamond necklace and pin. They are intended as a present for my daughter who is to be married. Tell me quick have you found them?"

"Is this the box?" asked Rodney.

"Oh yes, yes! How delightful to recover it. I thought I should never see it again. Where did you find it?"

"On Fifteenth Street beside Tiffany's store."

"And you brought it directly to me?"

"Yes, madam."

"Have you any idea of the value of the articles?"

"Perhaps they may be worth five hundred dollars."

"They are worth over a thousand. Are you poor?"

"Yes, madam. I am trying to make a living by selling papers, but find it hard work."

"But you don't look like a newsboy."

"Till a short time since I thought myself moderately rich."

"That is strange. Tell me your story."

Chapter 16" A Surprising Turn Of Fortune

Rodney told his story frankly. Mrs. Harvey was very sympathetic by nature, and she listened with the deepest interest, and latterly with indignation when Rodney spoke of his dismissal from Mr. Goodnow's store.

"You have been treated shamefully," she said warmly.

"I think Mr. Goodnow really believes me guilty," rejoined Rodney.

"A dishonest boy would hardly have returned a valuable box of jewelry."

"Still Mr. Goodnow didn't know that I would do it."

"I see you are disposed to apologize for your late employer."

"I do not forget that he treated me kindly till this last occurrence."

"Your consideration does you credit. So you have really been reduced to earn your living as a newsboy?"

"Yes, madam."

"I must think what I can do for you. I might give you money, but when that was gone you would be no better off."

"I would much rather have help in getting a place."

Mrs. Harvey leaned her head on her hand and looked thoughtful.

"You are right" she said. "Let me think."

Rodney waited, hoping that the lady would be able to think of something to his advantage.

Finally she spoke.

"I think you said you understood Latin and Greek?"

"I have studied both languages and French also. I should have been ready to enter college next summer."

"Then perhaps I shall be able to do something for you. I live in Philadelphia, but I have a brother living in West Fifty Eighth Street. He has one little boy, Arthur, now nine years of age. Arthur is quite precocious, but his health is delicate, and my brother has thought of getting a private instructor for him. Do you like young children?"

"Very much. I always wished that I had a little brother."

"Then I think you would suit my brother better as a tutor for Arthur than a young man. Being a boy yourself, you would be not only tutor but companion."

"I should like such a position very much."

"Then wait here a moment, and I will write you a letter of introduction."

She went up stairs, but soon returned.

She put a small perfumed billet into Rodney's hands. It was directed to John Sargent with an address on West Fifty Eighth Street.

"Call this evening," she said, "about half past seven o'clock. My brother will be through dinner, and will not have gone out at that hour."

"Thank you," said Rodney gratefully.

"Here is another envelope which you can open at your leisure. I cannot part from you without thanking you once more for returning my jewelry."

"You have thanked me in a very practical way, Mrs. Harvey."

"I hope my letter may lead to pleasant results for you. If you ever come to Philadelphia call upon me at No. 1492 Walnut Street."

"Thank you."

As Rodney left the house he felt that his ill fortune had turned, and that a new prospect was opened up before him. He stepped into the Windsor Hotel, and opened the envelope last given him. It contained five five dollar bills.

To one of them was pinned a scrap of paper containing these words: "I hope this money will be useful to you. It is less than the reward I should have offered for the recovery of the jewels."

Under the circumstances Rodney felt that he need not scruple to use the money. He knew that he had rendered Mrs. Harvey a great service, and that she could well afford to pay him the sum which the envelopes contained.

He began to be sensible that he was hungry, not having eaten for some time. He went into a restaurant on Sixth Avenue, and ordered a sirloin steak. It was some time since he had indulged in anything beyond a common steak, and he greatly enjoyed the more luxurious meal. He didn't go back to selling papers, for he felt that it would hardly be consistent with the position of a classical teacher -- the post for which he was about to apply.

Half past seven found him at the door of Mr. John Sargent. The house was of brown stone, high stoop, and four stories in height. It was such a house as only a rich man could occupy.

He was ushered into the parlor and presently Mr. Sargent came in from the dining room.

"Are you Mr. Ropes?" he asked, looking at Rodney's card.

It is not usual for newsboys to carry cards, but Rodney had some left over from his more prosperous days.

"Yes, sir. I bring you a note of introduction from Mrs. Harvey."

"Ah yes, my sister. Let me see it."

The note was of some length. That is, it covered three pages of note paper. Mr. Sargent read it attentively.

"My sister recommends you as tutor for my little son, Arthur," he said, as he folded up the letter.

"Yes, sir; she suggested that I might perhaps suit you in that capacity."

"She also says that you found and restored to her a valuable box of jewelry which she was careless enough to drop near Tiffany's."

"Yes, sir."

"I have a good deal of confidence in my sister's good judgment. She evidently regards you very favorably."

"I am glad of that sir,"

"Will you tell me something of your qualifications? Arthur is about to commence Latin. He is not old enough for Greek."

"I could teach either, sir."

"And of course you are well up in English branches?"

"I think I am."

"My sister hints that you are poor, and obliged to earn your own living. How, then, have you been able to secure so good an education?"

"I have only been poor for a short time. My father left me fifty thousand dollars, but it was lost by my guardian."

"Who was your guardian?"

"Mr. Benjamin Fielding."

"I knew him well. I don't think he was an unprincipled man, but he was certainly imprudent, and was led into acts that were reprehensible. Did he lose all your money for you?"

"Yes, sir."

"What did you do?"

"Left the boarding school where I was being educated, and came to this city."

"Did you obtain any employment?"

"Yes, sir; I have been employed for a short time by Otis Goodnow, a merchant of Reade Street."

"And why did you leave?"

"Because Mr. Goodnow missed some articles from his stock, and I was charged with taking them."

Rodney was fearful of the effect of his frank confession upon Mr. Sargent, but the latter soon reassured him.

"Your honesty in restoring my sister's jewelry is sufficient proof that the charge was unfounded. I shall not let it influence me."

"Thank you, sir."

"Now as to the position of teacher, though very young, I don't see why you should not fill it satisfactorily. I will call Arthur."

He went to the door and called "Arthur."

A delicate looking boy with a sweet, intelligent face, came running into the room.

"Do you want me, papa?"

"Yes, Arthur. I have a new friend for you. Will you shake hands with him?"

Arthur, who was not a shy boy, went up at once to Rodney and offered his hand.

"I am glad to see you," he said.

Rodney smiled. He was quite taken with the young boy.

"What's your name?" the latter asked.

"Rodney Ropes."

"Are you going to stay and make us a visit?"

Mr. Sargent answered this question.

"Would you like to have Rodney stay?" he asked.

"Oh yes."

"How would you like to have him give you lessons in Latin and other studies?"

"I should like it. I am sure he wouldn't be cross. Are you a teacher, Rodney?"

"I will be your teacher if you are willing to have me."

"Yes, I should like it. And will you go to walk with me in Central Park?"


"Then, papa, you may as well engage him. I was afraid you would get a tiresome old man for my teacher."

"That settles it, Rodney," said Mr. Sargent, smiling. "Now, Arthur, run out and I will speak further with Rodney about you."

"All right, papa."

"As Arthur seems to like you, I will give you a trial. As he suggested, I should like to have you become his companion as well as teacher. You will come here at nine o'clock in the morning, and stay till four, taking lunch with your pupil. About the compensation, will you tell me what will be satisfactory to you?"

"I prefer to leave that to you, sir."

"Then we will say fifteen dollars a week -- today is Thursday. Will you present yourself here next Monday morning?"

"Yes, sir."

"If you would like an advance of salary, you need only say so."

"Thank you, sir, but I am fairly provided with money for the present."

"Then nothing more need be said. As I am to meet a gentleman at the Union League Club tonight, I will bid you good evening, and expect to see you on Monday."

Rodney rose and Mr. Sargent accompanied him to the door, shaking hands with him courteously by way of farewell.

Rodney emerged into the street in a state of joyous excitement. Twenty five dollars in his pocket, and fifteen dollars a week! He could hardly credit his good fortune.

Chapter 17" Jasper's Perplexity

Mike Flynn was overjoyed to hear of Rodney's good fortune.

"Fifteen dollars a week!" he repeated. "Why you will be rich."

"Not exactly that, Mike, but it will make me comfortable. By the way, as I have so much more than you, it will only be fair for me to pay the whole rent."

"No, Rodney, you mustn't do that."

"I shall insist upon it, Mike. You would do the same in my place."

"Yes I would."

"So you can't object to my doing it."

"You are very kind to me, Rodney," said Mike, who had the warm heart of his race. "It isn't every boy brought up like you who would be willing to room with a bootblack."

"But you are not a bootblack now. You are a telegraph boy."

"There are plenty that mind me when I blacked boots down in front of the Astor House."

"You are just as good a boy for all that. How much did you make last week?"

"Four dollars salary, and a dollar and a half in extra tips."

"Hereafter you must save your rent money for clothes. We must have you looking respectable."

"Won't you adopt me, Rodney?" asked Mike with a laughing face.

"That's a good idea. Perhaps I will. In that case you must obey all my orders. In the first place, what are you most in want in the way of clothing?"

"I haven't got but two shirts."

"That is hardly enough for a gentleman of your social position. Anything else."

"I'm short on collars and socks."

"Then we'll go out shopping. I'll buy you a supply of each."

"But you haven't begun to work yet."

"No, but Mrs. Harvey made me a present of twenty five dollars. We'll go to some of the big stores on Sixth Avenue where we can get furnishing goods cheap."

Rodney carried out his purpose, and at the cost of four dollars supplied his room mate with all he needed for the present.

"See what it is to be rich, Mike," he said. "It seems odd for me to be buying clothes for my adopted son."

"You're in luck, Rodney, and so am I. I hope some time I can do you a favor."

"Perhaps you can, Mike. If I should get sick, you might take my place as tutor."

"You must know an awful lot, Rodney," said Mike, regarding his companion with new respect.

"Thank you for the compliment, Mike. I hope Mr. Sargent will have the same opinion."

The next day it is needless to say that Rodney did not resume the business of newsboy. He was very glad to give it up. He dressed with unusual care and took a walk down town.

As he passed Reade Street by chance Jasper was coming around the corner. His face lighted up first with pleasure at seeing Rodney, for it gratified his mean nature to triumph over the boy whom he had ousted from his position, and next with surprise at his unusually neat and well dressed appearance. Rodney looked far from needing help. He might readily have been taken for a boy of aristocratic lineage.

"Hallo!" said Jasper, surveying Rodney curiously.

"How are you this morning, Jasper?" returned Rodney quietly.

"Why ain't you selling papers?"

"I don't like the business."

"But you've got to make a living."

"Quite true."

"Are you going to black boots?"

"Why should I? Is it a desirable business?"

"How should I know?" asked Jasper, coloring.

"I didn't know but you might have had some experience at it. I haven't."

"Do you mean to insult me?" demanded Jasper hotly.

"I never insult anybody. I will only say that you are as likely to take up the business as I."

"I've got a place."

"How do you know but I have?"

"Because you were selling papers yesterday and are walking the street today."

"That is true. But I have a place engaged for all that. I shall go to work on Monday."

Jasper pricked up his ears.

"Where is it?" he asked.

"I don't care to tell at present."

"Is it true? Have you got a place?"


"I don't see how you could. Mr. Goodnow wouldn't give you a recommendation."

"There is no reason why he should not."

"What, after your taking cloaks and dress patterns from the store?"

"I did nothing of the kind. Sooner or later Mr. Goodnow will find out his mistake. Probably the real thief is still in his employ."

Jasper turned pale and regarded Rodney searchingly, but there was nothing in his manner or expression to indicate that his remark had been personal. He thought it best to turn the conversation.

"How much pay do you get -- four dollars?"

"More than that."

"You don't get as much as you did at our store?"

"Yes; I get more."

Now it was Jasper's turn to show surprise. He did not know whether to believe Rodney or not, but there was something in his face which commanded belief.

"How much do you get?" he asked.

"You would not believe me if I told you."

"Try me," returned Jasper, whose curiosity was aroused.

"I am to get fifteen dollars a week."

Jasper would not have looked more surprised if Rodney had informed him that he was to become a Cabinet minister.

"You're joking!" he ejaculated.

"Not at all."

"How could you have the face to ask such a price. Did you pass yourself off as an experienced salesman?"


"I don't understand it at all, that is, if you are telling the truth."

"I have told you the truth, Jasper. I have no object in deceiving you. The salary was fixed by my employer."

"Who did you say it was?"

"I didn't say."

Jasper's cunning scheme was defeated. He felt disturbed to hear of Rodney's good fortune, but he had a shot in reserve.

"I don't think you will keep your place long," he said in a malicious tone.

"Why not?"

"Your employer will hear under what circumstances you left our store, and then of course he will discharge you."

"You will be sorry for that won't you?" asked Rodney pointedly.

"Why of course I don't want you to have bad luck."

"Thank you. You are very considerate."

"Suppose you lose your place, shall you go back to selling papers?"

"I hope to find something better to do."

"Where are you going now?"

"To get some lunch."

"So am I. Suppose we go together."

"Very well, provide{sic} you will lunch with me."

"I don't want to impose upon you."

"You won't. We may not meet again for some time, and we shall have this meal to remind us of each other."

They went to a well known restaurant on Park Row. Rodney ordered a liberal dinner for himself, and Jasper followed his example nothing loath. He was always ready to dine at the expense of others, but even as he ate he could not help wondering at the strange chance that had made him the guest of a boy who was selling papers the day before.

He had nearly finished eating when a disturbing thought occurred to him. Suppose Rodney didn't have money enough to settle the bill, and threw it upon him.

When Rodney took the checks and walked up to the cashier's desk he followed him with some anxiety. But his companion quietly took out a five dollar bill, from his pocket and tendered it to the cashier. The latter gave him back the right change and the two boys went out into the street.

"You seem to have plenty of money," said Jasper.

"There are very few who would admit having that," smiled Rodney.

"I don't see why you sold papers if you have five dollar bills in your pocket."

"I don't want to be idle."

"May I tell my uncle and Mr. Goodnow that you have got a place?"

"If you like."

"Well, good by, I must be hurrying back to the store."

Rodney smiled. He rather enjoyed Jasper's surprise and perplexity.

Chapter 18" Rodney's Secret Is Discovered

Jasper lost no time in acquainting his uncle with Rodney's extraordinary good fortune. James Redwood was surprised, but not all together incredulous.

"I don't understand it" he said, "but Ropes appears to be a boy of truth. Perhaps he may have exaggerated the amount of his salary."

"I hardly think so, uncle. He gave me a tip top dinner down on Park Row."

"He may have been in funds from selling the articles taken from the store."

"That's so!" assented Jasper, who had the best possible reason for knowing that it was not so.

"I wish the boy well," said his uncle. "He always treated me respectfully, and I never had anything against him except the loss of stock, and it is not certain that he is the thief."

"I guess there isn't any doubt about that."

"Yet, believing him to be a thief, you did not hesitate to accept a dinner from him."

"I didn't want to hurt his feelings," replied Jasper, rather sheepishly.

"Do you know what sort of a place he has got, or with what house?"

"No; he wouldn't tell me."

"He thought perhaps you would inform the new firm of the circumstances under which he left us. I don't blame him, but I am surprised that he should have been engaged without a recommendation."

"Shall you tell Mr. Goodnow?"

"Not unless he asks about Ropes. I don't want to interfere with the boy in any way."

In the store, as has already been stated, Jasper succeeded to Rodney's place, and in consequence his pay was raised to seven dollars a week. Still it was not equal to what it had been when he was receiving additional money from the sale of the articles stolen by Philip Carton and himself.

The way in which they had operated was this: Philip would come in and buy a cloak or a dress pattern from Jasper, and the young salesman would pack up two or three instead of one. There was a drawback to the profit in those cases, as Carton would be obliged to sell both at a reduced price. Still they had made a considerable sum from these transactions, though not nearly as much as Mr. Goodnow had lost.

After the discovery of the theft and the discharge of Rodney, the two confederates felt that it would be imprudent to do any more in that line. This suspension entailed heavier loss on Carton than on Jasper. The latter had a fixed income and a home at his uncle's house, while Philip had no regular income, though he occasionally secured a little temporary employment.

In the meantime Rodney had commenced his tutorship. His young pupil became very fond of him, and being a studious boy, made rapid progress in his lessons.

Mr. Sargent felt that his experiment, rash as it might be considered, vindicated his wisdom by its success. At the end of a month he voluntarily raised Rodney's salary to twenty dollars a week.

"I am afraid you are overpaying me, Mr. Sargent," said Rodney.

"That's my lookout. Good service is worth a good salary, and I am perfectly satisfied with you."

"Thank you, sir. I prize that even more than the higher salary."

Only a portion of Rodney's time was spent in teaching. In the afternoon he and his charge went on little excursions, generally to Central Park.

One holiday, about four months after the commencement of Rodney's engagement, he was walking in the Park when he fell in with Jasper. Jasper's attention was at once drawn to the little boy, whose dress and general appearance indicated that he belonged to a wealthy family. This excited Jasper's curiosity.

"How are you, Rodney?" said Jasper adroitly. "It is a good while since I met you."


"Who is the little boy with you?"

"His name is Arthur Sargent."

Rodney gave this information unwillingly, for he saw that his secret was likely to be discovered.

"How do you do, Arthur?" asked Jasper, with unwonted affability, for he did not care for children.

"Pretty well," answered Arthur politely.

"Have you known Rodney long?"

"Why, he is my teacher," answered Arthur in some surprise.

Jasper's eyes gleamed with sudden intelligence. So this was Rodney's secret, and this was the position for which he was so well paid.

Rodney bit his lip in vexation, but made no remark.

"Does he ever punish you for not getting your lessons?" asked Jasper without much tact.

"Of course not" answered Arthur indignantly.

"Arthur always does get his lessons," said Rodney. "I suppose you have a holiday from work today, Jasper."

"Yes; I am glad to get away now and then."

"I must bid you good morning now."

"Won't you let me call on you? Where do you live, Arthur?"

The boy gave the number of his house.

Jasper asked Arthur, thinking rightly that he would be more likely to get an answer from him than from Rodney. He walked away triumphantly, feeling that he had made a discovery that might prove of advantage to him.

"Is that a friend of yours, Rodney?" asked little Arthur.

"I have known him for some time."

"I don't like him very much."

"Why?" asked Rodney with some curiosity.

"I don't know," answered the little boy slowly. "I can't like everybody."

"Quite true, Arthur. Jasper is not a special friend of mine, and I am not particular about your liking him. I hope you like me."

"You know I do, Rodney," and he gave Rodney's hand an assuring pressure.

Ten minutes after he left Rodney, Jasper fell in with Carton. The intimacy between them had perceptibly fallen off. It had grown out of business considerations.

Now that it was no longer safe to abstract articles from the store, Jasper felt that he had no more use for his late confederate. When they met he treated him with marked coldness.

On this particular day Carton was looking quite shabby. In fact, his best suit was in pawn, and he had fallen back on one half worn and soiled.

"Hello!" exclaimed Jasper, and was about to pass on with a cool nod.

"Stop!" said Philip, looking offended.

"I am in a hurry," returned Jasper. "I can't stop today."

"You are in a hurry, and on a holiday?"

"Yes; I am to meet a friend near the lake."

"I'll go along with you."

Jasper had to submit though with an ill grace.

"Wouldn't another day do?"

"No; the fact is, Jasper, I am in trouble,"

"You usually are," sneered Jasper.

"That is so. I have been out of luck lately."

"I am sorry, but I can't help it as I see."

"How much money do you think I have in my pocket?"

"I don't know, I am sure. I am not good at guessing conundrums."

"Just ten cents."

"That isn't much," said Jasper, indifferently.

"Let me have a dollar, thats a good fellow!"

"You seem to think I am made of money," said Jasper sharply. "I haven't got much more myself."

"Then you might have. You get a good salary."

"Only seven dollars."

"You are able to keep most of it for yourself."

"Suppose I am? You seem to know a good deal of my affairs."

"Haven't you any pity for an old friend?"

"Yes, I'll give you all the pity you want, but when it comes to money it's a different matter. Here you are, a man of twenty six, ten years older than me, and yet you expect me to help support you."

"You didn't use to talk to me like that."

"Well, I do now. You didn't use to try to get money out of me."

"Look here, Jasper! I am poor, but I don't want you to talk to me as you are doing."

"Indeed!" sneered Jasper.

"And I won't have it," said Carton firmly. "Listen to me, and I will propose a plan that will help us both."

"What is it?"

"You can easily secrete articles, if you are cautious, without attracting notice, and I will dispose of them and share the money with you."

Jasper shook his head.

"I wouldn't dare to do it" he said. "Somebody might spy on me."

"Not if you are careful."

"If it were found out I would be bounced like Ropes."

"What is he doing? Have you seen him lately?"

"He is getting on finely. He is earning fifteen dollars a week."

"You don't mean it?"

"Yes I do."

"What firm is he working for?"

"For none at all. He is tutor to a young kid."

"I didn't know he was scholar enough."

"Oh yes, he knows Greek and Latin and a lot of other stuff."

"Who is the boy?"

"I don't feel at liberty to tell. I don't think he would care to have you know."

"I'll tell you what you can do. Borrow five dollars of him for me."

"I don't know about that. If I were to borrow it would be for myself."

"You can do as you please. If you don't do something for me I will write to Mr. Goodnow that you are the thief who stole the cloaks and dress patterns."

"You wouldn't do that?" exclaimed Jasper in consternation.

"Wouldn't I? I am desperate enough to do anything."

After a little further conference Jasper agreed to do what was asked of him. He did not dare to refuse.

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