
     著书立意乃赠花于人之举,然万卷书亦由人力而为,非尽善尽美处还盼见谅 !

                     —— 华辀远岑

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Chapter 45"Quiet

Great perfection seems incomplete,

But does not decay;

Great abundance seems empty,

But does not fail.

Great truth seems contradictory;

Great cleverness seems stupid;

Great eloquence seems awkward.

As spring overcomes the cold,

And autumn overcomes the heat,

So calm and quiet overcome the world.

Chapter 46"Horses

When a nation follows the Way,

Horses bear manure through its fields;

When a nation ignores the Way,

Horses bear soldiers through its streets.

There is no greater mistake than following desire;

There is no greater disaster than forgetting contentment;

There is no greater sickness than seeking attainment;

But one who is content to satisfy his needs

Finds that contentment endures.

Chapter 47"Knowing

Without taking a step outdoors

You know the whole world;

Without taking a peep out the window

You know the colour of the sky.

The more you experience,

The less you know.

The sage wanders without knowing,

Sees without looking,

Accomplishes without acting.

Chapter 48"Inaction

The follower of knowledge learns as much as he can every day;

The follower of the Way forgets as much as he can every day. By attrition he reaches a state of inaction

Wherein he does nothing, but nothing remains undone. To conquer the world, accomplish nothing;

If you must accomplish something,

The world remains beyond conquest.

Chapter 49"People

The sage does not distinguish between himself and the world;

The needs of other people are as his own.

He is good to those who are good;

He is also good to those who are not good,

Thereby he is good.

He trusts those who are trustworthy;

He also trusts those who are not trustworthy,

Thereby he is trustworthy.

The sage lives in harmony with the world,

And his mind is the world’s mind.

So he nurtures the worlds of others

As a mother does her children.

Chapter 50"Death

Men flow into life, and ebb into death. Some are filled with life;

Some are empty with death;

Some hold fast to life, and thereby perish,

For life is an abstraction.

Those who are filled with life

Need not fear tigers and rhinos in the wilds,

Nor wear armour and shields in battle;

The rhinoceros finds no place in them for its horn,

The tiger no place for its claw,

The soldier no place for a weapon,

For death finds no place in them.

Chapter 51"Nurture

The Way bears all things;

Harmony nurtures them;

Nature shapes them;

Use completes them.

Each follows the Way and honours harmony,

Not by law,

But by being.

The Way bears, nurtures, shapes, completes,

Shelters, comforts, and makes a home for them. Bearing without possessing,

Nurturing without taming,

Shaping without forcing,

This is harmony.

Chapter 52"Clarity

The origin of the world is its mother;

Understand the mother, and you understand the child;

Embrace the child, and you embrace the mother,

Who will not perish when you die.

Reserve your judgments and words

And you maintain your influence;

Speak your mind and take positions

And nothing can save you.

As observing detail is clarity,

So maintaining flexibility is strength;

Use the light but shed no light,

So that you do yourself no harm,

But embrace clarity.

Chapter 53"Difficult Paths

With but a small understanding

One may follow the Way like a main road,

Fearing only to leave it;

Following a main road is easy,

Yet people delight in difficult paths. When palaces are kept up

Fields are left to weeds

And granaries empty;

Wearing fine clothes,

Bearing sharp swords,

Glutting with food and drink,

Hoarding wealth and possessions -

These are the ways of theft,

And far from the Way.

Chapter 54"Cultivate Harmony

Cultivate harmony within yourself, and harmony becomes real;

Cultivate harmony within your family, and harmony becomes fertile;

Cultivate harmony within your community, and harmony becomes abundant;

Cultivate harmony within your culture, and harmony becomes enduring;

Cultivate harmony within the world, and harmony becomes ubiquitous. Live with a person to understand that person;

Live with a family to understand that family;

Live with a community to understand that community;

Live with a culture to understand that culture;

Live with the world to understand the world. How can I live with the world?

By accepting.

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