
     著书立意乃赠花于人之举,然万卷书亦由人力而为,非尽善尽美处还盼见谅 !

                     —— 华辀远岑

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Chapter 55"Soft Bones

Who is filled with harmony is like a newborn.

Wasps and snakes will not bite him;

Hawks and tigers will not claw him. His bones are soft yet his grasp is sure,

For his flesh is supple;

His mind is innocent yet his body is virile,

For his vigour is plentiful;

His song is long-lasting yet his voice is sweet,

For his grace is perfect. But knowing harmony creates abstraction,

And following abstraction creates ritual.

Exceeding nature creates calamity,

And controlling nature creates violence.

Chapter 56"Impartiality

Who understands does not preach;

Who preaches does not understand.

Reserve your judgments and words;

Smooth differences and forgive disagreements;

Dull your wit and simplify your purpose;

Accept the world.


Friendship and enmity,

Profit and loss,

Honour and disgrace,

Will not affect you;

The world will accept you.

Chapter 57"Conquer with Inaction

Do not control the people with laws,

Nor violence nor espionage,

But conquer them with inaction.


The more morals and taboos there are,

The more cruelty afflicts people;

The more guns and knives there are,

The more factions divide people;

The more arts and skills there are,

The more change obsoletes people;

The more laws and taxes there are,

The more theft corrupts people.

Yet take no action, and the people nurture eachother;

Make no laws, and the people deal fairly with eachother;

Own no interest, and the people cooperate with eachother;

Express no desire, and the people harmonize with eachother.

Chapter 58"No End

When government is lazy and informal

The people are kind and honest;

When government is efficient and severe

The people are discontented and deceitful.

Good fortune follows upon disaster;

Disaster lurks within good fortune;

Who can say how things will end?

Perhaps there is no end.

Honesty is ever deceived;

Kindness is ever seduced;

Men have been like this for a long time. So the sage is firm but not cutting,

Pointed but not piercing,

Straight but not rigid,

Bright but not blinding.

Chapter 59"Restraint

Manage a great nation as you would cook a delicate fish.

To govern men in accord with nature

It is best to be restrained;

Restraint makes agreement easy to attain,

And easy agreement builds harmonious relationships;

With sufficient harmony no resistance will arise;

When no resistance arises, then you possess the heart of the nation,

And when you possess the nation’s heart, your influence will long endure:

Deeply rooted and firmly established.

This is the method of far sight and long life.

Chapter 60"Demons

When you use the Way to conquer the world,

Your demons will lose their power to harm.

It is not that they lose their power as such,

But that they will not harm others;

Because they will not harm others,

You will not harm others:

When neither you nor your demons can do harm,

You will be at peace with them.

Chapter 61"Submission

A nation is like a hierarchy, a marketplace, and a maiden.

A maiden wins her husband by submitting to his advances;

Submission is a means of union.

So when a large country submits to a small country

It will adopt the small country;

When a small country submits to a large country

It will be adopted by the large country;

The one submits and adopts;

The other submits and is adopted.

It is in the interest of a large country to unite and gain service,

And in the interest of a small country to unite and gain patronage;

If both would serve their interests,

Both must submit.

Chapter 62"Sin

The Way is the fate of men,

The treasure of the saint,

And the refuge of the sinner.

Fine words are often borrowed,

And great deeds are often appropriated;

Therefore, when a man falls, do not abandon him,

And when a man gains power, do not honour him;

Only remain impartial and show him the Way.

Why should someone appreciate the Way?

The ancients said, "By it, those who seek may easily find,

And those who regret may easily absolve"

So it is the most precious gift.

Chapter 63"Difficulty

Practice no-action;

Attend to do-nothing;

Taste the flavorless,

Magnify the small,

Multiply the few,

Return love for hate.

Deal with the difficult while it is yet easy;

Deal with the great while it is yet small;

The difficult develops naturally from the easy,

And the great from the small;

So the sage, by dealing with the small,

Achieves the great.

Who finds it easy to promise finds it hard to be trusted;

Who takes things lightly finds things difficult;

The sage recognizes difficulty, and so has none.

Chapter 64"Care at the Beginning

What lies still is easy to grasp;

What lies far off is easy to anticipate;

What is brittle is easy to shatter;

What is small is easy to disperse.

Yet a tree broader than a man can embrace is born of a tiny shoot;

A dam greater than a river can overflow starts with a clod of earth;

A journey of a thousand miles begins at the spot under one’s feet.

Therefore deal with things before they happen;

Create order before there is confusion.

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